Thanks are due to many people for the contents of this site, but in particular:
My late wife | For putting up with me, allowing me to have a motorcycle when she has absolutely no desire (or possibly too much sense) to go near one. And, who having been diagnosed with terminal cancer, said "Whatever happens, I want you to enjoy your bike." |
My son | Who provided all the IT support for this site, wrote the first version of the gallery viewer, and taught me most of what I know about HTML and PHP (so if I've got it wrong, it's his fault). |
My daughter | |
My brother | From whom I "inherited" my first motorbike, and who taught me the basics |
Don | Then of Shires Motorcycle Training, who gave me the training and encouragement to get me re-started after my long absence |
Peter (and Fiona) Macintyre | Of Highland Rider, for running some excellent tours in Scotland, even if Peter does do it for the money (he swears he does it for love) |
Co-riders on Peter's tours, in particular Les, Richard and Jackie, Ged and Janet, Steve, and many more... | Who provided great company on Peter's tours |
Pidcocks of Nottingham | For looking after my Triumphs and me |
Arnolds Motorcycles of Burton-upon-Trent | For looking after my Yamahas |