Atrophy: Convert Lat-lons or Google Maps URL to GPX file

Please note this is experimental software.

Document start date: 7 Feb 2014 8:38    Last updated: 31 Aug 2021 11:06:29 (BST)

Put in a list of Lat-Lons (decimal format, one lat-lon per line, separate lat from lon by space or comma)
Create your route on Google Maps by setting start and end points then dragging the route as required.
Click for an Example Google Map URL or click for the map
Click for an Example Google Map URL, alternative syntax or click for the map
Copy the Google Maps' URL from the address bar, paste it into the "URL" box below.
Choose a name as the waypoint prefix in the waypoint prefix box ("P_" by default).
Choose a file-name/route-name in the file-name/route-name box ("itinerary" by default) - don't put in the .gpx suffix.
Click on the "Convert" button.
The page will refresh with the .gpx text in the "gpx" box.
Check the number of way-points. If this doesn't tally, try the following:
In the map pahe, click the "DETAILS" link, click the share link (a chevron '<' with dots on its vertices). this copies a map URL into your clipboard.
In the pop-up window, click on "COPY LINK". Open another browser window, paste into the address bar. Google will put up your route map, but this time its address bar will change to a more suitable URL, copy that and paste it into the conversion URL box.

   Download the itinerary file by clicking the link,
   Copy the GPX data, paste it into an editor, save it as a ".gpx" file.
Note that some browsers may add a different suffix, e.g. ".txt" after the filename. If it does this, you will need to rename the file after saving it..
If you are going to use this for a satnav, do check the route by making the satnav calculate it. It may well vary from your desired route, even if you've chosen similar route options (no motorways or whatever). You may need to add waypoints into the itinerary on the satnav.

Paste list of Lat-Lons or URL in here:
Waypoint prefix:
File-name / Route-name:.gpx